Thursday 15 August 2019

The (GPGP)

           The great pacific garbage patch.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is 3 times the size of France And that's huge So we seriously need to stop. The whole Great Pacific garbage patch ways of the 80000 tonnes.

Did you know the Great Pacific garbage patch has about 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic in it? That's a lot of plastic. 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic can fill a two-story house.

The Great Pacific garbage patch was formed by all the rubbish going into the ocean and then it takes it to Great Pacific garbage patch that's how garbage patch forms into an island.

Image result for Great Pacific garbage patch
Today we write about the great pacific garbage patch I like it a lot because it was easy. It was for my newsletter.


  1. Ka rawe Quaid! Amazing work, you put so much effort into this and it really shows. I like how you talk about how big it is and how it formed over time. What do you think we could do to help combat the GPGP

    1. Thanks Miss farr for the positive thoughtful helpful


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