Friday 27 November 2020

The story about Diwali


Hi, today at school we did the story behind Diwali. And how Diwali started because it was Mis Farr's favorite tradition. And we learned heaps about Diwali it was fun to do, I did my own pattern in the slide because I thought it would be cool.
Hope you enjoyed it.

Thursday 26 November 2020

How to play League(NRL)


Today at school we did we video and I chose how to play NRL and. Plus we had some bloopers(run it straights) We had a blast making a we video. If you were making a video using a we video because of it's a good editing app. My favourite part was doing the video. Hope you enjoyed it.

Monday 23 November 2020

Bankeys art work Task 3


Today at school for task 3 we did an art profile about Banksy and we have facts photos of his artwork and he can paint and water paint really well. We don't know if Banksys a boy or a girl, no one knows. My favourite thing was getting photos and write the facts in my own words. 
Hope you enjoyed it.

Friday 20 November 2020

TASK 2 Graffiti- Street art or crime?

 Doing a painting on a wall, in town is that Graffiti- Street art or crime? Hmm, what do you reckon is it Street art or Graffiti or crime I wonder.

If the cops(Police) didn't arrest you when you're doing a painting on a public wall it must not be that bad because they didn't arrest you when you're doing it so it not must be a crime or if they're paid to do it on their wall it's not a crime

If it says something bad or means you should be arrested because what if a young child reads it and says those bad words to everyone, then he would be, being told off every time he says the bad word. And the young kids that read it can say the really mean word to the wrong person and end up in Jail.

If it is a beautiful artwork and says nothing bad it should not be a crime, and if it says something bad it should be a crime. 

The website I got it from is independent. 

Thank you.

Friday 6 November 2020

The Best Capture The Flag


Hi, today at school we did a slide with a video and it was fun the reason why we're doing it is that we're teaching our bubbies how to play. And hope we win so we can show everyone. I liked doing it a lot. I would do it again. But hope you enjoyed.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Coral Reefs Are Dying


Today at school Harry, Taj, And I did a slide about Dying Coral Reefs and it was pretty hard we write Facts we did before and after photos of Reefs and links to other things if you want to check that out. I liked it I would do it another time I hope you enjoyed reading about Dying Coral Reefs.