Friday 12 June 2020

Water Wastage

So today at school I have worked on and learning on water wastage and it was easy hard at all parts of writing this. But, in the end, I did like doing it. You will probably learn a lot off this.

Water Wastage

Did you know that Auckland is using 10 times the amount they always use? And they normally use a lot.

In Saudi Arabia they are running really low on water and there and the population is 29 million people there so they are taking water from the sea and processing it so it takes all the salt out to be drinkable.

Since the farmers are running low on the water they set up fog nets to catch fog which after a lot of fog you will get water for the cows to drink. And so if we keep the cows alive we can have milk and you have milk in your cereal. And milk helps your bones. So that's why cows are important to this world.

A Quick easy fact did you know you are drinking the same water as a dinosaur that's pretty cool.

So if I was you I would save more water and use it more wisely and not be silly because everyone needs water in life, not just you.

Now since we are using a lot more water we are running low on dairy products and we usually sell 3 quarters of dairy products.

Some of the countries in the world most of their rivers have been shrinking because of the dew climate change. The river’s now that are shrinking now look disgusting and I mean they look disgusting.

Friday 5 June 2020

The orphan boy myth

So I am telling you all about my myth and my myth is the orphan boy. So let's get right into it.

Who was involved? A group of fatherless boys were deserted by their tribe. But then they became friends with a pack of wolves.

what it is? It is a myth from a very very long time ago. And it is about a group of boys were deserted by there tride so became friends with a wolves. And then  they braing them up in the sky.

where was it based? It is based in America and some part of India.

Why did they tell the story? They told the story because they asked a little boy who knew about the orphan boys. But he never told anyone but two men asked and asked until he will spill it so the boy told them all about the orphan boys. And once they knew they told everyone in there town and the little boy became famous.

How did it happen? A long time ago seven fatherless boys were deserted by their tribe. They then became friends with a pack of wolves. Seeing they were bored, the Great Spirit brought them into the sky so they could play together.

So the reason I am posting this is because this is myth I am learning this is because this is myth school report. So I had to make no misktakes and try my hardest. But I should always try my hardest. But it was challenge and easy at some points of my report. But I really hope you enjoyed my blog post.

Thursday 4 June 2020

My child hood poem

1. I am getting chased b humans "baa"
2. I am eating healthy my nice pear
3. I am a coat keeping warm
4. I am hair I get brushed
5. I am bored at home in quarantine
6. I am getting killed too sweaty in Fortnite
7. I am getting those wins its great for your states
8. I am getting wet in the lake I'm a biscuit
9. I am a ayining rooster yelling
10. I am playing and eating "Moo"

Today this is my childhood poem and it tells you all about basically what happened in my life and I think its a good poem and do like it I think it good. it was hard and easy. I hope you enjoyed it by Quaid :)