Friday 9 July 2021


Today in Whenua we had to create a video explaining the buzz quiz we did to test our personality and what jobs would be good for us I hope you like it. 



  1. Hi Quaid I really like your video on jobs. Do you think you are going to do the same job when you grow up. Keep up the great work.

    1. Hi Arman I don't know yet if I'll like my job when i grow up. Yeah so thanks forthe comment

  2. Hi Quaid this is Mahdieh from Glenbrae School.grat job on the video I really enjoyed watching it.

    Keep up the great work.

  3. Hey there Quaid -

    - I love the fact you had the bravery and confidence to put in a SISIMO of you explaining such great careers. Hope I see more of this !! Great Job :))

    By Soane


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