Thursday 24 June 2021

Blue ringed octopus

                                                                Blue-ringed octopus

I'm writing to you about the blue-ringed octopus its got 8 legs one of the venomous octopus's in the world. They have 3 hearts and their ink is poisonous. They have enough venom to kill 26 fully grown men. And they are one of the best oceans great escape artists. If looking for this octopus its bright big blue rings with a yellow skin

Predators.                                                                                                                                                            What are blue-ringed octopus' predators?                                                                                                   They are Seals, Whales, Eels, Birds, Fish and their biggest predators are moral Eels.                                The reason why the moral eel is the blue-ringed octopus's biggest predator because it's faster in attack.

Food diet.                                                                                                                                                            They eat small crustaceans including shrimps, Crabs and they even eat other octopuses which make them a lot bigger.                                                                                                                                                            The reason why the Blue-ringed octopus eats these animals because they are not as powerful as him. 

Habitat.                                                                                                                                                               Where do you find the Blue-ringed octopus?                                                                                                     Did you know the Blue-ringed octopus is the most venous octopus? This small cephalopod mollusc lives in the warm, shallow reefs off the coast of Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It has a life span of 1 and a half years.           

I hope you enjoyed my writing to you about the blue-ringed octopus and remember to look out for them and if you see them be careful because they are the most venoms octopus in the world.                                                

Today my class did some writing about the blue-ringed octopus and it was easy because I knew what I was doing. The one thing that was hard was doing the conclusion but I did it and I am the second dune.

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